Honey malt, and fresh sweet basil…a summer ale WTF happened to this ale, ale. Somehow, this ale turned sour. I suspect the yeast, since the basil itself was added during the boil, and any bacteria would have been killed. That being said, it may be good after all. Sours can be quite nice, but take time to mature properly. So…we’ll see.
Type: All Grain Style: Blonde Ale Volume: 2.5 Gallons Boil Time: 60 minutes Brewed: May 20, 2012 Bottled: June 8, 2012 OG: 1.055 FG: 1.013 IBUs: 33 ABV: 5.5% Grains 3.5 lb. 2-Row Pale Malt 0.75 lb. Honey Malt 0.5 lb. Belgian Wheat Malt 0.25 lb. Flaked Barley 0.25 lb. Cara-Pils Hops (Pellet) 60 min: 0.5 oz East Kent Goldings 20 min: 0.25 oz East Kent Goldings 10 min: 0.25 oz East Kent Goldings Spices 1 oz Fresh Sweet Basil (Boil 5 mins) Yeast 400 ml starter of California Ale Yeast (White Labs #WLP001)