Style: American IPA Batch size: 2.5 gallons Brewed: April 5, 2013 Bottled: April 27, 2013 OG: 1.054 FG: 1.012 IBUs: 77 ABV: 5.5% Grains 6 lb U.S. 2-Row Pale Malt 8 oz Caramel Malt (40L) Hops (Whole leaf) FWH: 1 oz Centennial (10.9% AA) 10 min: 0.5 oz Centennial (10.9% AA) 0 min: 0.5 oz Centennial (10.9% AA) Dry Hop (14 days): 1 oz Centennial (10.9% AA) Yeast 1 liter starter of Northwest Ale (Wyeast Labs #1332)
This was a tweak of last year’s Imperialist Pale Ale recipe…which was one of the ruined beers, but it also had too much caramel malt (it was an overall poorly designed recipe).
So I set out to change the recipe to bring down the ABV, but increase the hops…in a way where the BU:GU ratio would be way imbalanced, hence the new name (I’ll save the old name for use in a IIPA). That ratio for this beer is 77:54, or 1.4. The typical range for an IPA is 0.5 to 0.9; the higher the number, the more bitter it is.