This beer was designed as an experiment to test out the new mill before a large double-batch brew weekend. So I only did a 2.5 lb batch, with a recipe that would have been a hoppy IPA at our old efficiency. However, the experiment went so well, that it actually is more like an Imperial IPA, that’s light on the IBUs. Named for tax day, which I thought was the 16th (since the 15th was a Sunday), but as it turns out, the IRS gave two extra days to get taxes in. Not sure why, but I’m sticking with the name/concept. And in good form with the name, it’s both bitter (from the hops) and sweet (from the caramel malt)…the 1.5 lbs. of caramel malt was sort of a mistake, and depending on how it ages, we might only use 1 lb. next time.
Type: All Grain Style: Imperial IPA Brewed: April 16, 2012 Bottled: May 14, 2012 OG: 1.083 FG: 1.016 IBUs: 56 ABV: 8.9% Grains 5 lbs 2-Row Pale Malt 1.5 lbs Caramel Malt 20L 1 lbs Aromatic Malt Hops (Whole Leaf) 60 min: 0.25 oz Centennial 50 min: 0.25 oz Citra 20 min: 0.25 oz Centennial 10 min: 0.25 oz Citra Steep: 0.25 oz Centennial & 0.25 oz Citra 28 day Dry Hop: 0.25 oz Centennial & 0.25 oz Citra Yeast 200 ml starter of San Diego Super Yeast (White Labs #WLP090)
Ruined by a garden hose.