This was definitely the beer that made us realize that we need to figure out what is going on with our mashing, and why our Original Gravity is so low. I believe this is now a problem of the past, but for this beer, it is VERY light. 3.1% ABV, might as well treat this like water. Should be a good hot weather beer.
Type: All Grain Style: Belgian Wit Brewed: March 24, 2012 Bottled: April 12, 2012 OG: 1.032 FG: 1.008 IBUs: 14 ABV: 3.1% Grains 3 lb Belgian 2-Row Pale Malt 3 lb Belgian Wheat Malt 3 lb Flaked Wheat Hops Bittering: 1 oz East Kent Goldings (Pellet) Adjuncts 1 oz Bitter Orange Peel 0.5 oz Coriander Seed Yeast 1 packet Belgian Witbier (Wyeast Labs #3944)
Ruined by a garden hose.