#56 – Bayou Dog Days

Style: Dortmunder Export
Batch Size: 5 gal
Brewed: August 3, 2013
Bottled: October 15, 2013
OG: 1.061  FG: 1.016
IBUs: 30  ABV: 5.9%

5.75 lbs German Pilsner
4 lbs U.S. Pale Malt
1.5 lbs Munich Malt
4 oz Cara-Pils

60 min: 0.5 oz Northern Brewer (9.6% AA)
30 min: 0.5 oz Northern Brewer (9.6% AA)
15 min: 0.5 oz Saaz (2.9% AA)
0 min: 0.5 oz Saaz (2.9% AA)

Danish Lager (Wyeast Labs #2042)

#57 – House Bayou Ale #4

Style: American Amber Ale
Brewed: September 8, 2013
Bottled: October 9, 2013
OG: 1.065  FG: 1.015
ABV: 6.6%

5 lbs Rahr Pale Malt
1 lb. Caramel Malt 60L
1 lb. Munich Malt

60 min: 1oz Cascade (Ray's Hops)
40 min: 1oz Cascade (Ray's Hops)
15 min: 1oz Cascade (Purchased Hops)

American Ale (Wyeast #1056)

Ed’s brew-in-a-bag setup.
Hops from Ray Anderson.

#46 – House Bayou Ale #2

Ed’s second brew up at the Bayou, an American Amber this time around.

Style: American Amber Ale
Brewed: April 27, 2013

4 lbs Rahr Pale Malt
0.5 lb. Caramel Malt 60L
0.25 lb. Munich Malt

60 min: 1oz Cascade
15 min: 0.5oz Cascade

American Ale (Wyeast #1056)

#55 – Flat Tire

Style: American Amber
Batch size: 5 gallons
Brewed: August 3, 2013
Bottled: September 5, 2013
OG: 1.065  FG: 1.014
IBUs: 35  ABV: 6.7%

5 lb Belgian Pale Malt
5 lb Munich Malt
1 lb Victory Malt
8 oz Biscuit Malt
4 oz Caramel Malt (80L)

90 min: 1 oz Northern Brewer (9.6% AA)
15 min: 0.5 oz Cascade (6.7% AA)
0 min: 0.5 oz Cascade (6.7% AA)

2 liter starter of Denny's Favorite 50 (Wyeast #1450)