All posts by jon

Brew #6 – The Pink Elephant

Type: All Grain
Style: Belgian Golden Ale
Brewed: February 18, 2012
Secondary: March 3, 2012
Bottled: March 15, 2012
OG: 1.062  FG: 1.004
IBUs: 25  ABV: 7.6%

1.75 lb. Light Candi Sugar

11 lb. Belgian Pils 2-Row

Bittering: 1.25 oz. Styrian Goldings (Pellet)
Flavor: 0.83 oz. Saaz (Whole Leaf)

4 gr. Ginger Root
4 gr. Seeds of Paradise
12 gr. Coriander Seed

Wyeast Belgian Strong Ale (1388)
SafAle S-04

The first attempt at All Grain brewing. A Delirium Tremens clone.


Rude Awakening

When I came downstairs this morning to let the dogs out, I decided to check on the fermentation of yesterday’s beer (Fat Tire clone). It’s not what I had expected to find.

It turns out the Wyeast American Wheat Ale yeast that we used is a VERY active yeast, active enough that it blew the lid right off the fermenter. What’s really shocking is that I figured this sort of thing typically happens for higher gravity ales, where this one’s gravity was 1.050.

I was able to quickly switch from an airlock to a blow-off.

Beer, meet biochem.

Recently picked up a magnetic stir plate and Erlenmeyer flask from Stir Starters.

In a few weeks we’re going to try and brew a beer with an estimated original gravity of 1.107! (Largest we’ve tried yet.)
From my research, one thing is recommended more than all others…a yeast starter. And one of the most efficient ways to make a starter is using a stir plate.

Brew #5 – Old Mellow English Barley Wine

Type: Kit (Brewcraft)
Brewed: February 4, 2012
Secondary: February 18, 2012
Bottled: March 3, 2012
OG: 1.078  FG: 1.017
IBUs: 63  ABV: 8.13%

7 lb. Golden Light DME
1 lb. Brewers Crystals

1 lb. Crystal 40L
0.5 lb. Crystal 150L
0.5 lb. Special B

Bittering: 1 oz. Magnum
Flavor: 1 oz. Fuggles

2 packets Safale S-04



Brew #4 – Kölsch

Type: Kit (Brewer's Best)
Brewed: January 28, 2012
Secondary: February 4, 2012
Bottled: February 25, 2012
OG: 1.044  FG: 1.013
IBUs: 28  ABV: 4.06%

3.3 lb. Pilsen LME
2.0 lb. Wheat DME

12 oz. Carapils

Bittering: 1 oz. Mt Rainier
Aroma: 1 oz. Willamette

Lallemand Nottingham Ale Yeast

